Ruby on Rails
- Creating custom validations and custom mailers in Ruby on Rails (0:10:58)
- How to upload sitemap.xml to AWS S3 in Ruby on Rails (0:04:49)
- How to use Ruby on Rails Credentials (0:07:03)
- How to generate a sitemap in Ruby on Rails (0:05:31)
- How to use Redis and Sidekiq with Ruby on Rails (0:05:13)
- Adding API comment endpoints to Ruby on Rails API app (0:12:45)
- Adding Polymorphic Comments to Posts in Ruby on Rails (0:15:34)
- Creating Post Slugs and better User Validations (0:07:31)
- How to add pretty URLs in Ruby on Rails (0:11:11)
- How to use httpOnly secure cookies in Ruby on Rails with devise-jwt (0:06:52)
- How to create a blog in Ruby on Rails API part 2 - creating, updating, and deleting (0:23:25)
- How to a create a blog in Ruby on Rails API part 1 (0:07:57)
- How to use AUD with devise-jwt in Ruby on Rails (0:07:10)
- Updating a user model in Rails API (0:05:34)
- How to add a username to devise in Rails (0:07:53)
- Sending Real emails for a Ruby on Rails application (00:04:16)
- Production environments in Heroku and additional add-ons with Ruby on Rails (00:10:29)
- Creating a pipeline and staging environment in Heroku with Ruby on Rails (00:12:57)
- Setting up CORS and Local Email in Ruby on Rails (00:03:47)
- Using Github Actions to Run RSpec and Test automatically (00:06:14)
- Checking Code coverage in Rails with simplecov (00:03:04)
- Writing a request spec / test in Rails with authentication (00:12:08)
- How to annotate your Rails Models automatically (00:03:29)
- Setting up JWTs in Ruby on Rails with devise-jwt (00:08:13)
- How to create a User Model with Devise in Ruby on Rails (00:06:48)
- How to create a new Rails API app - what is Ruby on Rails? (00:10:08)